
The philosophy at the base of my work

The rules of 5Rs

At the base of my work I place the rules of 5Rs and I apply it to every session I run and even on a daily basis when I do some necessary soul searching. 

5Rs is a model of experiential processing developed by the founder of BAST along with the senior tutor – Lyz Cooper and Clifford Sax. It is a way of understanding how we as human beings process our experiences. It takes from the law of physics of resonance. It is not a linear system, all stages are interchangeable. Also these rules can be applied to anything in life.


It happens when something (sound) affects us in any way. The 'meeting' of it makes us and our body react someway , often unconsciously. It's not about it being good or bad, it's simply about the reaction occurring.


It is the reaction we feel on the inside that we would describe as locking up, denial, bottling up, on any level: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Recognizing it is the key ingredient to healing as the work is on letting the block loose, letting go.


It is the opposite to resistance like in-breath opposite to out-breath or ebb and flow. When we have the experience of release we learn that there was some resistance. Knowledge of what was that we needed to release helps the healing process through widening self awareness, being conscious of the processes happening inside of the person.


It can be described as taking a step back to take a look at any processes within us, to understand what's happening inside and be self-aware. As if watching it on the screen, distancing the self from the experience. Being at a distance helps get things into balance and learn.


Everything we do, think or feel is with our consent on some level. No-one can make us feel or do anything without us agreeing to it inside. It signifies empowerment as we are in control of anything that happens within us. Because of this there is a profound potential for transformation.

Deep relaxation

Going into deep relaxation means that you in fact enter an altered state of consciousness, as it is more of a spectrum than a solid state. A definition of altered state of consciousness describes it as: ‘any condition that is significantly different from a normal waking state’.

7 steps to healing